Vaginal Rejuvenation Shot

Sexual wellbeing is an essential component of overall health and quality of life, but some women can struggle to achieve orgasm or find that they no longer enjoy sex the way they used to. Factors such as aging, childbirth, and menopause can slow blood flow to the vaginal area and decrease the rate at which cells regenerate. This can interfere with sexual pleasure and may even cause intercourse to be painful. For women who seek to improve their vaginal function and experience enhanced sexual pleasure, Dr. Rukmini Rednam is pleased to offer a non-surgical procedure known as the V-Shot.

The V-Shot, or V Booster-Shot, involves harvesting key growth factors from a patient’s own blood, then injecting them into the vagina, the clitoris, and even into the G-Spot. This enhances sensitivity to those areas, and it can also improve vaginal dryness, looseness, and even stress incontinence.

A sporty tanned woman in her underwear

Benefits of V-Shot

Dr. Rednam’s patients report myriad benefits after receiving the V-Shot, including:

  • Enhanced sensation
  • Greater sexual pleasure
  • Improved and more frequent orgasms
  • A tighter vagina
  • Improved partner satisfaction
  • Reduced discomfort during intercourse
  • Improved vaginal lubrication
  • Reduced urinary incontinence

The V-Shot Procedure

The V-Shot is a non-surgical procedure that relies on the body’s own natural healing factors to improve vaginal health and function.

To begin the procedure, Dr. Rednam will draw a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm. This blood is then concentrated using a centrifuge to achieve a small sample of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix, a key factor in healing and cell regeneration.

Prior to the V-Shot, Dr. Rednam applies a local anesthetic to the treatment area, so the patient feels no discomfort during the procedure. Dr. Rednam then injects the Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix into the patient’s vaginal walls, labia, and clitoris to boost rejuvenation and cell regeneration.

Recovery After V-Shot

Patients should experience minimal to no pain following the V-Shot and are able to get back to work and other activities immediately after the procedure. Some patients do experience minor swelling and/or bruising, but this should naturally resolve itself within a couple of days. Dr. Rednam recommends that patients refrain from having sex for the first seven days after receiving the V-Shot.

Frequently Asked Questions

V-Shot FAQs

No! Dr. Rednam takes care to thoroughly numb the treatment area before administering the V-Shot, so patients should experience no discomfort during the brief procedure.

If you struggle with any of the following issues, you could be a great candidate for the V-Shot:

  • Decreased vaginal sensitivity
  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Painful intercourse
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Looseness in the vaginal area
  • Loss of labia volume

Because the V-Shot reintroduces a patient’s own platelets back into her body, there is no risk of an allergic reaction to this procedure. While the V-Shot is suitable for most patients, women who are undergoing cancer treatment, steroid therapy, treatment with blood thinners, or who have been diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections should consult with Dr. Rednam before undergoing this procedure.

Some patients notice an improvement in vaginal sensation immediately after treatment with the V-Shot, and this should only continue to improve over the course of the next few weeks to months as new cells in this delicate area are generated. Results of the V-Shot can last up to 18 months.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam

Contact Dr. Rednam

If you are frustrated by a lack of sexual satisfaction or if you simply want to reinvigorate your sex life, you may be interested in learning more about vaginal rejuvenation using the V-Shot. For more information about this treatment, please contact us to schedule a personal and private consultation with Dr. Rednam.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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