Gender Affirming Surgery
Gender affirming surgery, also referred to as body affirming surgery, is much more than a cosmetic procedure. For individuals who feel their outer presentation does not align with who they truly are, body affirming surgery is often the culmination of years of soul-searching and a deeply courageous step on the journey to embracing one’s true self and presenting that authentic self to the world.
Board-Certified Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Rukmini (Vinaya) Rednam has had the honor of assisting many patients with the empowering transition to an outer appearance that matches their true identity. She understands the deep emotional, social, and psychological impact gender affirming surgery has on patients—and has carefully curated a staff that shares her dedication supporting each member of their patient family in every way possible.
Male to Female (MTF) Gender Affirming Surgery
For women who are born with male physical characteristics, “top surgery” can create the feminine silhouette that shows the world who they are and allows them to dress in a manner more consistent with their identity. Dr. Rednam offers a number of MTF Breast Augmentation options, allowing her to customize treatment for each woman’s unique body type and goals. Learn more.
Female to Male (FTM) Gender Affirming Surgery
When men are born with female bodies, the breasts often feel like a glaring and very public contradiction of their true selves. Through FTM breast surgery, Dr. Rednam can not only remove excess breast tissue, but sculpt the chest to a more defined, masculine appearance. This procedure can also help those who identify as non binary to feel more comfortable in their bodies. Learn more.
Body Affirming Surgery in Houston: Meet Dr. Rednam
If your gender presentation does not match who you are, Dr. Rednam can help. Body affirming surgery is a medically necessary treatment for transgender and non-binary individuals who struggle with gender dysphoria, proven to provide vast
Trusted Source
Position Statement on Medical Necessity of Treatment, Sex Reassignment, and Insurance Coverage in the U
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health
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- Quality of life
- Sexual satisfaction
- Self-confidence
- Mood
- Anxiety reduction

Contact Us
To learn more about your gender affirming surgery options in the Houston area, please contact us to schedule a private and confidential consultation.
1The World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Position Statement on Medical Necessity of Treatment, Sex Reassignment, and Insurance Coverage in the U.S.A. Available: Accessed June 10, 2020.
Dr. Rukmini Rednam has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.
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