Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Ears are one of the body’s most noticeable features. As such, there is only so much people can do to cover them. Cosmetic ear pinning or reconstruction is a great option for patients who are uncomfortable with the size or shape of their ears.

With offices in Houston and The Woodlands, Dr. Rukmini (Vinaya) Rednam has carefully cultivated the technical skill and artistry her clients depend on to deliver otoplasty results that look natural, complement their facial features, and enhance their self-confidence.

woman with beautiful ears after otoplasty

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty, or ear pinning, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the shape, position, and/or proportion of the ear. It is an extremely popular cosmetic surgery among both adults and children. Many patients who receive an otoplasty see visible results in overall appearance after the procedure, as protruding, disproportionate and asymmetrical ears are corrected. Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source What is ear surgery? American Society of Plastic Surgeons Go to Source Scars from the procedure are often hidden in the natural creases of the ear, and go unnoticed.

What Can Otoplasty Correct?

There are a variety of congenital or trauma-induced cosmetic ear issues or conditions that can be improved with otoplasty, including:

  • Lack of an earlobe (Cagot Ear)
  • Edges of the ear that fold forward (Cats Ear)
  • Cartilage deformity caused by repeated trauma (Cauliflower Ear)
  • Indented earlobe (Cleft Earlobe)
  • Lack of skin or cartilage on the back of the ear (Constricted Ear)
  • Ears that are separated from the skull (Question Mark or Cosma Ear)
  • Upper ears imbedded into the scalp (Crypotia)
  • Ears that curve inward (Lop Ear)
  • Abnormally large ears (Macrotia)
  • Very small or underdeveloped ears (Microtia)
  • Ears that curl forward (Scroll Ear)
  • Upper ear fold that creates an elf-like, pointed edge (Stahl’s Ear)
  • Ear with top curve that is reversed, curving toward the head (Wildermuth’s Ear)

Who is a Candidate for Otoplasty?

Otoplasty candidates must be in good overall health and free of active disease. They must also not smoke, and must not have any serious medical conditions. Pediatric patients must at least be seven years old, to ensure their ears have developed completely and are stable enough to undergo correction.

The Otoplasty Procedure

Traditional otoplasty surgery, otherwise known as ear pinning surgery, secures a patient’s large or protruding ears back towards their head, by making an incision behind the ear and reducing the ear’s enlarged conchal cartilage if indicated. Dr. Rednam then uses non-removable sutures to secure the newly formed cartilage in place, and closes the incision with external stitches.

Otoplasties are performed under general or local anesthesia with IV sedation depending on the indications. The procedure takes about two hours to complete. Patients tend to awake from surgery experiencing only mild discomfort.

Otoplasty Recovery

The majority of otoplasties are outpatient procedures and require little special aftercare other than avoidance of contact sports and strenuous activity while healing. Dr. Rednam has her patients wear a headband at all times for one week following surgery then after that while sleeping for two weeks. This helps reinforce the repair and prevent injury.

What are the Risks of Otoplasty?

When performed by an experienced and highly skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Rednam, cosmetic ear surgery is generally considered to be a safe procedure. Still, there are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Otoplasty Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Otoplasty Mayo Clinic Go to Source risks, while rare, may include:

  • Suboptimal scarring
  • Infection
  • Asymmetry
  • Altered skin sensation
  • Overcorrection

Otoplasty Results

When patients’ bandages are removed after otoplasty recovery, an immediate change in the appearance of their ears will be noticeable. Changes and enhancements made during otoplasty are permanent. While the cosmetic benefits of otoplasty are often quite marked, the psychological benefits are even more pronounced. Especially in older patients, otoplasty leads to a dramatically improved self-image and sense of confidence.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam

Contact Dr. Rednam

If you or your child has protruding ear deformities of the ear, Dr. Rednam can perform otoplasty to help achieve a more shapely, balanced appearance. To learn more about otoplasty or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rednam, please contact us.

1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. What is ear surgery? Available: Accessed April 6, 2021.
2 Mayo Clinic. Otoplasty. Available: Accessed April 6, 2021.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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