Avéli Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is a common concern for many women, regardless of body type or shape—in fact, up to Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Cellulite Cleveland Clinic Go to Source 90% of women experience cellulite on their thighs or buttocks. Dr. Rednam is excited to offer Avéli™, a new and clinically proven cellulite treatment that can help you feel more confident in your body.

woman with smooth legs and butt

What is Avéli?

Avéli is a minimally invasive body treatment that can improve the appearance of cellulite in just one session. Avéli is different from other cellulite treatments because it addresses the root cause of cellulite. The dimpled appearance of cellulite is caused by tight, fibrous bands of collagen that run vertically underneath the skin. By releasing these bands, called septa, Avéli smooths away cellulite.

Benefits of Avéli

  • Clinically proven to be effective
  • Minimally invasive
  • No downtime needed
  • Delivers smoother, younger-looking skin
  • Immediate results after one treatment
  • Long-lasting results

Aveli before and after
Aveli before and after

How Does Avéli Work?

Avéli is a minimally invasive treatment that smooths away cellulite on the thighs and/or buttocks. Dr. Rednam and her team will let you know what to expect during every step of your procedure.

Preparing for Avéli

There is little preparation needed for your Avéli treatment. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Rednam before your treatment, which will allow you to ask any questions and confirm that Avéli is right for you.

Your Avéli Treatment

You will be given an injection of local anesthetic to prevent any discomfort during the treatment. Dr. Rednam will create a very small incision and then, using the specialized Avéli device that has a lighted tip, she will carefully clip the septae bands. She will target dimples on the thighs and buttocks and confirm that cellulite is smoothed away. Treatment time will vary depending on your individual anatomy and aesthetic goals, but the Avéli procedure usually takes about one hour.

Aveli can also be combined with procedures in the operating room, or may be used alone with local anesthetic and Pro-Nox.

Recovery After Avéli

With Avéli, you will not need to plan for any time off to recover. Many patients resume their regular activities the same day, although you should refrain from very strenuous exercise for a few days after treatment. It is normal to experience mild selling, bruising and tenderness in the first few days. Dr. Rednam may recommend a compression garment to minimize swelling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Avéli FAQs

If you are in good general health and are seeking an effective solution for cellulite on the thighs and buttocks, then Avéli may be right for you.

Avéli is FDA-approved to treat the thighs and buttocks.

Avéli is a minimally invasive and low-risk procedure. The most common side effects, such as tenderness, bruising, and swelling, are temporary.

Results are immediate, but will be more noticeable once any swelling or bruising goes away. Optimal results are usually visible one month after the procedure.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam

Contact Dr. Rednam

Dr. Rukmini (Vinaya) Rednam is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated her career to helping people look and feel their best. If you are bothered by cellulite, we can help! Contact us to learn more or schedule your appointment.

1 Cleveland Clinic. Cellulite. Available: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17694-cellulite. Accessed February 16, 2023.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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