
Monsplasty is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the mons, which is where the lower abdomen meets the upper part of the vulva in the pubic area. Some women struggle with excess fatty tissue and extra skin on the mons due to massive weight loss, weight gain, or simple genetics, and reducing any excess bulge in this area can eliminate discomfort and embarrassment.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam is a leading Houston plastic surgeon with extensive experience in genital cosmetic procedures like monsplasty surgery, labiaplasty, and vaginoplasty. She is dedicated to helping patients find relief and restore self-confidence.

Self-confident young woman standing in brown underwear.

Is a Monsplasty Right For Me?

Choosing to undergo monsplasty is a personal decision and Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Rednam can help you understand what this outpatient procedure involves and make sure you have realistic expectations. This plastic surgery contouring procedure may be right for you if you’re looking to reduce excess skin and fat in the mons for cosmetic reasons, to reduce discomfort, or to improve self-esteem.

The Monsplasty Procedure

Depending on your unique anatomy and how much tissue needs to be removed, monsplasty can be performed under sedation with local anesthesia or under general anesthesia. The procedure itself is straightforward and typically involves excising any extra skin and fat through a horizontal incision that runs across the mons pubis. Once all the extra tissue has been excised, she’ll place internal sutures to further shape and tighten your remaining tissues and muscles for a tighter and more contoured appearance. For patients with minimal extra tissue, liposuction may be sufficient.

Monsplasty Results & Recovery

Following monsplasty, you can expect to return home on the same day of surgery. Recovery time takes roughly one week, with any strenuous physical activity restricted for anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how extensive the procedure was.

Monsplasty results in a mons with a lower profile that projects, or shows, less when wearing clothing. For patients with a large amount of excess skin, monsplasty can correct the appearance of loose or hanging skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Monsplasty FAQs

Yes, many patients choose to combine monsplasty with other body contouring procedures that focus on or include the abdomen and lower abdomen such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), post-weight loss surgery such as body lift, or mommy makeover.

When performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Rednam, monsplasty is considered safe. However, like any surgical procedure, there is a small Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery ASPS Go to Source risk of complications such as infection, hematoma, bleeding, and scarring.

Depending on the extent of your surgery the monsplasty Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Monsplasty Cleveland Clinic Go to Source scar can run horizontally across the mons pubis. If only liposuction is required, the scars are almost undetectable.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam

Schedule a Monsplasty Consultation with Dr. Rednam

If you’d like to learn more about monsplasty, Dr. Rednam is committed to providing patients with the information they need to confidently make the decision to undergo an aesthetic vaginal procedure. Please contact us to schedule a private appointment in Houston or The Woodlands to find out about your options.

1 ASPS. Aesthetic Genital Plastic Surgery. Available: Accessed December 1, 2022.
2 Cleveland Clinic. Monsplasty. Available: Accessed December 1, 2022.

Dr. Rukmini Rednam has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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